Tuesday, May 24, 2011

selena gomez red carpet 2010

selena gomez red carpet 2010. selena gomez red carpet hair.
  • selena gomez red carpet hair.

  • mr.barkan
    Sep 6, 06:45 PM
    So let's heat this thread up!!

    In my opinion as a moviemaker... the store should have:

    10 - Lot's of movies / Variety it�s what�s all about

    9 - Lot�s of Bandwidth / Assuming lot�s of people will use it on launch, slow dowloads are a HUGE down

    8 - Decent compression / No comments, it�s obvious

    7 - Diferent Sound Options / Not everybody want�s 5.1 or DTS or 2.0, but if I buy a new stereo surround system I�d like my 5.1 for free later on.

    6 - Diferent sizes / I don�t wanna see a feature in my current iPod, but yes I�d like to see it in my PSP (if I had one) etc...

    5 - New iPod / Okay, they won�t let me see it on my PSP(if I had one) so give me something better to go along and make me proud to say "I love my iPod, I love apple�s iMovies Store"

    4 - iMovie Podcast sharing / I would be cool if I could post a iMovie Podcast and show my Short Films hi-res to the world!

    3 - Hard Disk Burning / Oh c�mon!! Let me burn it to a DVD so I can watch it anywhere I�d like... or I�m... humm... buyin it on Amazon or Best Buy.

    2 - Extras for Free / DVD extras are really important expecially if you work on the industry and would like to see how they are making things happen.

    And the most important!!!

    1 - HD Download Options / YES!!! In my opinion this will be the biggest revolution. If you can download trailers in 480p, 720p, and 1080i/p than why cant you download a feature film??? I mean... the files are going to be huge but with todays cable speeds (4,8mbs). And why else would be the point for the release of a 24" (user friendly) HD iMac???


    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez might play one of
  • Selena Gomez might play one of

  • briantology
    Feb 23, 05:18 PM
    MacBook Pro 2.16GHz C2D with Dell U2211H (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/products/Displays/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&cs=19&sku=320-9271).
    Visidec monitor arm (http://www.amazon.com/Visidec-Articulated-Monitor-Support-Displays/dp/B001M4HF3I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502587&sr=8-1) and laptop arm (http://www.amazon.com/Visidec-VF-AT-NK-Monitor-Displays-Polished/dp/B002UJVIA0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502587&sr=8-3).
    Macally ICEKEY Keyboard (http://www.amazon.com/Macally-USB-Slim-Keyboard-ICEKEY/dp/B00006HYP6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1298502832&sr=8-1) with Logitech mouse (this (http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-910-001204-Corded-Mouse-M500/dp/B002B3YCQM/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502892&sr=8-14) is the current version of it).
    Galant desk (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S39837008) from IKEA.
    Other things include juggling balls, dry-erase markers, an iPhone, and a card from my grandmother.


    selena gomez red carpet 2010. red carpet, Selena Gomez
  • red carpet, Selena Gomez

  • kahkityoong
    Apr 3, 10:59 AM
    the iPad does nothing useful

    One of my patients has locked in syndrome, a condition in which he could only move his eyes. Over a year he regained use of his right hand. The iPad has given him a new lease of life - his voice, entertainment, etc. He would disagree with your idiotic statement.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. selena gomez red carpet
  • selena gomez red carpet

  • MacHamster68
    Apr 9, 11:14 PM
    i too have no problems with gear sticks on both sides of the road , i actually prefer to have the gear stick on my left side , despite i learned to drive with that gear stick to my right as i lived then in Germany and all cars i had had been fitted that way ..until i crossed the channel and bought a car in the UK

    but the future is automatic as in 10 years only people with a income of over �100000pa will be able to afford to run a fossil fuel powered car (prediction for europe with in latest years 30pence/cent annually increase in mind i guess liter price of �5 in 2020 )anyway and electro engines need no gear sticks at all

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Red carpet photos. Selena
  • Red carpet photos. Selena

  • matticus008
    Nov 27, 06:46 PM
    If Apple can squeeze extra money out of some egotists who like to think of themselves as prosumers, fine, but the overwhelming majority of users aren't going to get anal about some supposed color-accuracy issues: they want a good-quality, good-looking reliable monitor and if Apple can't provide that at a decent price, Apple loses them to someone who can.
    Certainly, but that's not the question. The question is, 'does Apple care?' And I think the answer is probably a resounding "no." If people don't care about sophistication and refinement, then all of the effort Apple puts into making its Cinema Displays is a waste on those customers--they'd never buy them anyway. Why go after customers whose only loyalty is to the best price? They're a finicky and transient group.

    It's better to sell to a smaller market which will be loyal over time in Apple's view, and that's a perfectly legitimate strategy to have.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez at the 2010 Teen
  • Selena Gomez at the 2010 Teen

  • Tmelon
    Apr 1, 04:04 PM
    Does Lion feel much faster and more stable? I mean it�s been like 5 or 6 weeks since DP1. They had plenty of time to eliminate bugs. I�m askin cause we don�t see too much new features expect redesigned iCal.

    Faster? Not so sure. More stable? Definitely. All of my main bugs have been fixed aside from the full screen apps on dual screens.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez singer disney
  • Selena Gomez singer disney

  • motulist
    Aug 6, 11:32 PM
    More photos


    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez is probably
  • Selena Gomez is probably

  • hdsalinas
    Sep 1, 12:38 PM
    My Guess:

    iMac 17" - 1299
    1.83 GHz
    512MB RAM
    160 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 - 128

    iMac 20" - 1699
    2.0 GHz upgradable to 2.16
    512MB RAM
    250 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 128 upgradable to 256 (As is already)

    iMac 23": 1900 x 1200 - 1999
    2.16 GHz upgradable to 2.33
    1 GB Standard
    250 SATA upgradable to 500 (as 17" and 20" is)
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 256
    FW 800

    I didn't say upgradable on 17" and 20" hard drives because we already know that.

    In a dream world I'd say the 23" vCard would go to the x1800 or something

    I think that your predection is very realistic. I would think that if they do introduced this model they would at least drop $100 off the price of the current models

    Now with those specs, the imac 23 should be called the "Imac Pro"

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez rocks a short
  • Selena Gomez rocks a short

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 4, 08:07 PM
    Don't worry - by the time your Golf dies you can get a new one, and maybe by then they'll be selling the Golf GTD (http://www.insideline.com/volkswagen/golf/2010/2010-volkswagen-golf-gtd-first-drive.html) over here.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez Rosario Dawson
  • Selena Gomez Rosario Dawson

  • simweb
    Mar 24, 03:36 PM
    I'm owner of a Mac Pro (westmere dual CPU) with a REAL GRAPHICS CARD!
    ...a "PNY NVIDIA Quadro 4000 for Mac"

    After updating the Mac OS X 10.6.7 update
    then all my NVIDIA graphics drivers/features went up in smoke!

    - Monitor ICC color profile did not work (all to bright/whiteish OSX GUI)

    - All webbrowsers tilted in all Flash driven websites,

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Demi Lovato vs Selena Gomez
  • Demi Lovato vs Selena Gomez

  • kelving525
    Sep 18, 09:46 PM
    Is that an actual Belkin Silicon case ?

    Nope, it's those 99 cents silicone case from HK!

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. selena gomez red carpet
  • selena gomez red carpet

  • climhazzard85
    Sep 6, 11:04 AM
    I just bought a Core Duo on the 21st, needless to say I'm pissed. Anyone know apple's price match policy?

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Get Selena Gomez#39;s Red Carpet
  • Get Selena Gomez#39;s Red Carpet

  • codymac
    Apr 20, 01:42 PM
    That's because you only have automatics to drive :p

    Or has never driven a Lotus.

    But I'd guess that statement would come from someone who's only ever had rubbish cars or lives in a city where public transit is the more convenient option. Case in point:

    No, my first car had a manual transmission (on the column). It was even worse, but that's mostly because the car was a 1965 model and had no air conditioning, no power steering, no power brakes, no power windows, torn-up seats, and oddly chewed through right rear tail light bulbs at a blistering pace. That was back in the days when driving was less of a headache than it is today (I was much younger), but even then I would still rather ride shotgun.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. 2011 Grammys: Selena Gomez
  • 2011 Grammys: Selena Gomez

  • Chundles
    Aug 7, 08:10 AM
    Man, thats not enough.... we need dual Nvidia mobile GPUs with SLI...just like Alienware has! (Each with 512MB, for a total of 1GB video ram!)

    Chuck in two hard drives as well.

    2 minutes battery life is enough to get from your desk to the power point to plug in the laptop.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Taylor Swift Easy A red carpet
  • Taylor Swift Easy A red carpet

  • baryon
    Jun 23, 07:08 AM
    Okay, but I cannot live without full featured Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. Also, I can't live without extensions like Perian, applications like Transmission, Cyberduck and VLC. I don't see how those would make it into iOS, through Apple's approval system. I need custom built applications and less "official" stuff as well. I'm fine with my iPod Touch not letting me run everything I run on my Mac, but I need my computer to be able to do EVERYTHING. I'm sure Apple loves iOS and wants to deploy it everywhere they can, but I'm also sure they don't want to stop with OS X. Now Steve has said recently that PCs are like trucks and that they'll still be around but only for people who really need them. If that's the case, PCs are no longer going to be consumer devices, so they won't have the good support they have now (new features regularly, updates, etc...) So we're going to be left behind if we want to keep using a computer for what a computer really is: everything.

    I love the idea of iOS but that's because it makes sense that an iPhone or iPad cannot run a conventional OS. A real desktop computer with a touch screen would have many problems such as precision. Also I can't see iOS adopting custom built drivers and applications for custom hardware and stuff like that. Yes iOS rocks for most people who only use a computer for Facebook, MSN and browsing the web. But I feel like that's totally not me, and I don't want to get left out of all the innovation. We're seeing Apple focus more and more on iOS and leaving OS X behind a bit could be one of their next moves. I don't want OS X to end up like Final Cut Pro: rarely updated and with an interface that comes from the past millennium.

    There's no indication that this would be the case, but I'm sure it would work for Apple and most people.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. selena gomez red carpet
  • selena gomez red carpet

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 27, 07:39 PM
    This is the $64K question. Does anyone know when the X3000 is due to be released?

    I was under the impression when the Core 2 Duos were released, but I hope very soon because they are a measurable improvement over the GMA950 which isn't as bad as everyone make it out to be.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez,
  • Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez,

  • milo
    Jul 20, 10:19 AM
    With Netflix, you can't just say, "Let's watch a movie tonight." You have to plan ahead your movie schedule. Netflix will die once iTMS comes alone. It's all about instant instant instant.

    With NF you get three movies at a time, and you can get plans with more. It does require a little planning, but right now, the quantity of content you can get in a month for the price can't be beat. If you think it's so stupid, what do you propose as the smarter alternative?

    For iTMS to beat it, it would have to match netflix's pricing as well, which would be $1 or less per rental. I don't see that happening. They'd also have to have better quality and include all DVD extras with all movies.

    Until then, I'll happily stick with netflix.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez Europe style Part
  • Selena Gomez Europe style Part

  • jgould
    Feb 22, 07:53 PM
    I love the look of older apple tech still in use. It's a good reminder that you don't need to constantly update with every single product refresh. Helps that it's stylish too :cool:

    I agree with this statement. I was using a White MacBook from 2006 until Sunday when I upgraded because 2GB of RAM just wasn't cutting it any more. With the new MBP, I'll be set for a while.

    selena gomez red carpet 2010. Selena Gomez
  • Selena Gomez

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 10:25 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Think Secret claims (http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0608macmini.html) to have information on the rumored revision (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824183848.shtml) to the Mac Mini. According to the site, Apple will replace the existing Core Solo model with the existing 1.66 GHz Core Duo model, and add a 1.83 GHz Core Duo model, effectively eliminating all single-core CPUs from Apple's computer product line.

    The new systems are said to be "ready for production." Think Secret believes the models will be introduced in a few weeks time with little fanfare, although not totally under the radar like the last Mac Mini update (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2005/09/20050930023909.shtml).Not Core 2 Duo??!! :eek: :confused: :( I can't beleive they are not going to go Core 2 Duo in the mini before Thanksgiving.Only if they don't drop prices. Just depends what they charge, if they had core solo for $399 sales would go through the roof.And Apple would be losing money with every sale. :rolleyes:

    And for all you Yonah FanBoys out there I say you are completely out of touch with reality living in some sort of parallel dimension where old obsolete stopgap technology prevails beyond it's short useful lifespan. :) It makes no sense to me why would a laptop be more powerful than a desktop. If you're gonna stay with core duo why not just make the mini a 1.83 & 2.00 GHz Core Duo machine like the macbooks. 1.66 & 1.83 on a core duo is pathetic in my opinions and solidifies my believe that the mini and i will never get along....at least for now. Thats just too much crippling to handle.Here here. I totally agree. Staying with Core Duo is insane, rude and greedy.

    Apr 19, 12:21 PM
    I can't wait for a white 27" model with an additional rear facing camera to shoot HD video. 3G would be cool too.

    Apr 12, 10:39 PM
    Some people seem to think that difficult to use = pro. Those are the people use windows because they enjoy fixing problems. Anything to save time is good for anyone, pro or not, and this interface feels like one that wont take much time to get used to. It looks well designed.

    You've hit the nail on the head there. It goes back to the old problem that some pros enjoy having something thats hard to use, because they feel clever/superior using it, knowing that others can't. Releases like this one that make a Pro program accessible to not so skilled people p*sses off these Pro users, because they want to be seen to be the clever ones, the mystical being who can work this very complicated program that no one else can. It's these type of people who come out with the 'Oh well it's not a pro program anymore, hello iMovie Pro" type comments.

    I for one am a professional video editor, and i am extremely excited by this. It's going to be so fun learning this new program! Something new to investigate is always fun. From what i've seen, it doesn't look dumbed down at all.

    Sep 7, 07:49 AM
    Poop. And I was hoping for a $100 price drop.

    I see why Apple came out with a 24-inch iMac the same day... we can't complain! :p

    Did I miss something or did the top end mini model go from $799 to $599. Ok. it has a smaller drive and no superdrive. BUt who uses DVDs anymore?

    Al Coholic
    Apr 3, 01:15 PM
    I don't think you understand how this works.

    You can't be that thick. No way. You're just being a contrarian for the sake of it. Have to be.

    It doesn't take much to get the iPad pom pom's a-wavin' around here.

    Don't get me wrong. It's a "cute" ad but that's the point of my protest. It's just insulting. Why, if this thing is capable of so much must they resort to these kinds of antics? You guys are just gullible.

    One of my patients has locked in syndrome, a condition in which he could only move his eyes. Over a year he regained use of his right hand. The iPad has given him a new lease of life - his voice, entertainment, etc. He would disagree with your idiotic statement.

    So the iPad saved him? So much for giving the medical staff their due. LOL!

    There will be other tablets eeking out iPad's market share soon enough. Don't be too quick in lobbying the Pope for Mr. Jobs' sainthood just yet.

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 19, 12:56 PM
    Actually, the US is supplying EWar and Communications as well. The AWACS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_Early_Warning_and_Control) planes themselves can be considered like "mother ships" of today and fill command and control functions.

    Command craft often make the decisions and lead attack and defense tactics. It's not necessarily the ppl who have the "front line" forces are in the ones who are the major player. "Fighter planes" are just like drones with people in them. They follow orders and do not lead anything. It would be like saying the marines are the leading authority in war. They are not. They are just machine operators who pull the trigger.

    yet again it goes back to who has AWACS which yet again is the US. do not have as many AWACS and AWACS are very critically for providing communication and support.

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