Monday, May 16, 2011

While I Was Sminking Pt. 1

Obviously the headline is recent with Grady Sizemore returning to the DL with soreness in his right knee and Travis Buck taking the trip back up I-71.  Remember that Sizemore's microfracture surgery was on his left knee, so the current affliction has nothing to do with the previous injury.  Grady banged the knee on a hard slide into second during Tuesday's game against the Rays.  Also, thanks to mama nature, I only missed one Tribe game instead of three.  ;-j

But, oops, this happened ...

Mitch Talbot made his first rehab start on Saturday, taking the loss for the Clippers in Indianapolis.  Mitch looked good, two earned on six hits over five innings.  He threw 49 of 69 pitches for strikes as he struck out a pair and walked no one.  He's scheduled to pitch again on Thursday, this time in Columbus against the PawSox.  I'll be there.

The question becomes what to do with Talbot supposing that he's healthy and able following Thursday's appearnce.  After Carlos Carrasco's pitiful effort in his start off of the disabled list, is he a candidate for demotion?   Maybe, but not likely.  Might the Indians expose Talbot to waivers in order to get him down to Columbus?  Uh, no.  Is Alex White ticketed back to AAA?  Not unless he royally screws the pooch in his next game.  The most probable scenario is that Talbot slides into the long man role and Justin Germano gets das boot (I know, read das as German and boot as English) and good riddance.

Cheers to Corey Kluber for earning his first win of 2011 as the Clippers salvaged the last game of a four game set against the Indy Indians this afternoon.  Kluber (6.94 ERA) pitched seven full, the first time this year that he has gone past 5+.  Corey allowed two runs on four hits and two walks.  He struck out in raising his record to 1-3.

I would give you some highlights of the Clippers at the plate, but everyone stunk it up.  Not kidding.  I will provide quips and clicks from the home finale against Charlotte in just a bit.

Bored now.

Back soon.


P.s. Michael Brantley is now the Indians' leading hitter at .298.  First place with zero .300 hitters.  Troublesome.

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